
Lightning Crashes



9 Years
04-09-2017, 10:38 AM

Storm didn't ignore Tyranis, instead she split her attention between the two children, one ear pointed forward and the other pointed to Aella. She didn't know what happened and she knew from experience that her childhood was filled with telling fibs to her parents and family. So without evidence there was no way she could accuse Ty of doing anything wrong even when he was standing on top of his sister. She also liked to think that all of her children got along beautifully, that their father's unstable mind hadn't effected them but she knew there was a chance it could. They were still young and may not show it at this age.

She lightly nodded to Ty's words taking them into consideration as to what happened, truly would she ever know what really happened. Then Aella spoke of her head hurting and she gently rubbed her daughter's temple with her nose and licked her ears as she tried to comfort her. Head throbbing she could treat, but when her daughter explained it hurt inside she wondered what she had meant. Was she emotionally crushed from the incident? Did she had internal damage from the incident? All she could do was treat what she thought was going on. Boneset would be able to help with any muscle pain she was having, but she would only be able to give her daughter a small amount. White willow bark may be safer for her to use on Aella it would have less negative effects.

"It's Okay Ty, would you mind doing momma a favor. Could you run to the herb den and grab a small mouthful of Bark? It would be a big help to me." She asked hoping he wouldn't mind getting it.

It was the only bark she had in that den and each of the pups had been there before so he shouldn't have any issues. She then gently rubbed Aella's ribs and abdomen in an attempt to sooth and also to find where it was tender to the touch.

"Shhh sweetie momma will make it all better," she whispered softly.

"Talk" & 'Think"

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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times