
Love Is Not A Weakness [Meeting]



8 Years

04-09-2017, 11:16 AM
More wolves showed, even though Vali had thought herself late. That in itself was a reassuring factor; even if not all the pack was present, most showed. A few even plopped down next to her, and Vali turned her head to grin at Finch, the shy girl whom Vali had not had much interactions with. It seemed as if Finch was a little bit less shy than she was; Vali remembered the young girl always scuttling to her siblings, and not really always being open with the other members of the pack... and boy was the woman happy to see that change.

Speaking of boys... Vali couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight of Finch's younger brother, Merlin, flipping an hare and then flopping it over at Finch. The boy - or young man, really - was still most definitely a child at heart, but in a way that was... good. And hell, it was dreadfully cute to see him snuggle up to his older sister.

The smile on her face remained as she turned back to Storm, chuckling softly once more. "Perhaps I could help out with that," she suggested quietly, a mixture of excitement and some... unidentifiable longing in her heart. Thankfully, she didn't have to dwell on it for too long, because Bass started speaking, and she started paying attention to his words. She hummed thoughtfully at the thought of the higher-up positions; she was still a field medic, though she was leaning more towards healing now. At the same time, she wanted to help Bass. It made her wonder if she should step up for the head field medic; after all, she had all sorts of ideas running through her head. The field medics, after all, were more of the battle-wound and grave-wound healers, and they jumped into the fray with the sole purpose of helping their classmates. They knew how to fight if they had to fight, but the primary focus was definitely on making sure the wolves who were badly wounded lived. And battlefield healing, was, after all, Vali's specialty.

She was distracted by her musings when Storm stepped up, and a wide grin appeared on Vali's face. Hmm, she figured the young woman would be rather good for the job; she seemed dedicated and knowledgeable, and Vali most definitely had no complaints about that.

Her mind made up, Vali stood as well, taking a step to stand next to Storm. "The position of Primo Medico not only supports you, but it also supports the Primo Guarire and the Primo Guardia. I am interested in it." After all; she wanted to help, and ease the burden of all those she could in the pack. This would be an opportune way to do so.

"Speech" "You" Think

art by kanvos
[Image: aGjjkVy.png]