
Cool Evenings



9 Years
04-09-2017, 11:24 AM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2017, 11:25 AM by Storm.)

The women had stayed in the shade most of the day keeping out of the heat. It was strange that it was still hot, it seemed like Summer didn't want to give up it's grasp on the earth. So she hid from the heat, her thicker pelt making the heat all the more troubling to her. Her pups didn't seem as bothered by it so she let them play and wander close by the den while she kept track of them with her ears. She needed to get back into herb hunting, but with the pups still young she didn't want to leave them alone while she went out. She had a large enough stack that skipping them for a couple of weeks shouldn't hurt. The Older female just enjoyed the company of her little ones for now, knowing that they would be grown before she knew it. She also felt that this would be her only children because she had no mate and she was getting older. It saddened her, yet she loved her children and wouldn't change it for the world.

The sun had fallen behind the horizon and the moon hung high in the sky and the stars were beginning to appear in the sky. Now it was time to move about, it was cool enough to. Though her spot was comfortable and she really did not feel like moving from her spot. so she remained there, not really tired enough to go to bed. The children knew enough now that they should be in the den getting ready for bed and she wasn't that far from the den so she would be able to hear them all from where she was at.

"Talk" & 'Think"

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Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times