
We can light it up!



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-09-2017, 08:02 PM

His dark, rumbling purr reminded her of a jungle cat ready to spring. Her eyes came alight as he neared and brushed passed her, a sensation like no other sizzling over her and making her turn to watch as he lit up with the same blue that he held in his eyes. Those eyes now seemed to carry a true and dark flame within them as he spoke, his voice not unlike thunder on a warm day. She could imagine those tones clapping loudly and ringing the ears of whatever poor wretch decided to piss him off, and she found herself smiling at the thought of his anger. Naamah perked her black ears to listen over the incessant roar of the sea, his deep, humming tones repeating themselves over and over within her mind. 'A day, an evening, what's the difference?' He asked as he waltzed by her, causing a rather girlish giggle to erupt from her as she grew positively delighted by his ease with their banter. Her black flag flicks as she turns to follow his motions, his voice beckoning her for a walk, her head tilts a little and she dips the tip of her nose ever so slightly in acquiescence. "Et glorificatus am honored." Naamah moves to prepare for a walk, waiting for him to move with her as they started what could possibly end up as a dance of sorts.

'I was wondering if you might like to hear a story about my family,' he asked in those wonderfully deep tones. "You family holds much interest to me, yes, tell you story." Her voice lilts more, this time she doesn't bother to hold back the light of excitement from her mismatched gaze. It was an odd feeling, to know she could open up to this male, but she felt he might do the same. Subconsciously she was holding her breath as she waited eagerly for his story, a stroke of fortune for the man that he had caught her in such an easy mood. She was rarely so open, but there was no other soul on the beach, stars were beginning to come out and the sky was darkening. Night was coming for them, and Naamah could only imagine what could happen when the sun sank fully beyond the horizon.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.