
Forever Young



04-09-2017, 08:12 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2017, 12:12 AM by Geneva.)
Geneva sighed as she felt her body beginning to relax and become more stable. The fact she had water in her system now made her feel so much better than without. While she still had her aches and pains, she was at least confident she would make it a few more days now especially with another wolf here. He looked concerned as he asked her why she was alone and where her family was. Geneva frowned lightly as her memories traveled backwards in time briefly. "I.. I ran away." she said softly as she traveled along what she remembered.

Geneva didn't want to give him the full details of what happened as it wasn't necessary, but she figured a run down would be good enough. "My old pack lost a battle for prime hunting territory and as a result, we had to disband. I got separated from my family and I am too far to search for them. Some of the rival pack tried to capture younger wolves like me to serve various purposes, but I ran as far as I could. I'm too far for them to find me now. Or return home safely.." Geneva said with a sigh as she squished the mud between her toes. The sensation was a mix between soft and squishy compared to the stiff and hard surfaces she had been running on earlier. It was soothing to her sore paws as she sat in the water which softened her aching joints.

"I don't want to go back either.." Geneva said hesitantly. "Knowing what my mother would possibly say, she would say that I should focus on surviving and finding a new pack. So far, I've scavenged on food and hunted smaller rodents, but I don't know how to hunt like the adults do. I've been traveling for so far and so long that this is the first time I've officially stopped running. I suppose my paws need a break." Geneva said as she lifted them out of the mud to reveal swollen and bruised paw pads. She dipped it back down for it to cool down again in the mud. Geneva tried to calculate just how far she might have traveled in her mind. She could count the number of days and nights it took for her to get here, but she was never instructed on miles and distances. So for time wise, she could guess it took her almost seven days and six nights from her old pack land to this forest. The amount of land between the two pack lands was too vast for anyone to come and find her.

"I thought you might have been one of them come to find me and drag me back. Their structure was quite restrictive. But you don't seem like one of them. You're too nice." Geneva said as she furrowed her eyebrows together in tense concentration. "But no offene... I would rather take a very nice stranger than my old pack land any day! Are you part of a pack?" she asked. She tried to take in his scent and while it was unique to his own, there was something else that lingered there subtly which was similar to what her mother and friends smelled like in the pack lands.

WC: 547