


04-10-2017, 03:27 PM
A new scent on the border, Fortune is... concerned. Worried, to say the least. This was her line, and to have that line threatened messed with her logical mind. There's something here, and even if it's not a threat... well. It is a threat. Even if it's not, it is? That made sense, at least in Fortune's mind. She pads toward the border of the Dancefloor, head high, posture a little stiff. Faite had beaten her there, and Stardust too? The sandy blonde creature was tall, sure, but fragile looking. Fuck.

What comes into view is a creature unlike one she's seen before. He's large, with elongated front teeth, something she hadn't seen before in these lands. Some of the prey animals showed them, the boar with their tusks and things like that... but on a wolf? Something about it was ominous, threatening. Fortune does not trust what she can't understand. She draws close to the group, finally coming to rest at Faite's shoulder. Taller, heavier, stronger. Fortune was good with being the brawn of their operation, and she looks the stranger dead in the eye as she approaches.

"Everything alright, here?" The Kaliq and the Kalin, Chaos had warranted an appearance from both. Fortune's question is general, offered in the open, a curiosity first. Business or pleasure? would have been more personable, but she's rarely in the mood for that either. Her tail wags slightly, an effort to control the mood. Wouldn't want to be too stiff.

shock & awe