
first lesson


04-10-2017, 03:55 PM

Autumn had come once more, and the herds were starting to draw their way away from their homes. The would go somewhere warmer, find their way to Auster, take shelter from the cold. She didn't blame them. Fortune liked the cold well enough, but if the threat of being eaten was constantly on her mind... well... she'd like to keep her body as warm as possible. Sleeping alone, too, leaves her cold. The Kaliq doesn't really mind that either. Things were strange, but she was okay with that. Things would always be strange. Even with the thought of Rin on her mind more often than she'd like... she'd push it back for now. The children were getting old enough to train now, so that is what she'd do.

There's a call for them put out, and she stands at joint between their two territories. Loud, but not urgent. An offer. They'd track the herd of swamp deer that called the Willows home, observe their behavior, and see just how much activity it took to scatter them all. That was it. Nothing too wild and crazy for the first day, but Fortune was excited. Children were their greatest resource, after all.

shock & awe

SO what I'm going to do is either put up a second post after three pup responses, or in seven days. <3