
Burst and Bloom [Bass]



7 Years

04-10-2017, 04:45 PM

It was hard to think back on when he was a child, but he wondered if he had had this many questions. This curiosity about life and what was living. Bass nodded his head at the boys question, they were indeed alive. "In some ways, nearly everything around you is living. The grass grows, it feeds animals that feed us. They are all apart of a big circle, we would not be able to survive without one little thing. even the snakes in the plains are a part of it, without them there would be too many mice, and then they would eat all the seeds," He explained softly, taking a seat at the edge of the borders for a moment. He chuckled as he bound up to the evergreen, seeing him to reach up to taste it. The pale man knew that it wasn't going to taste good, but he would have to learn that for himself. Standing up when he spat them out, he lovingly nuzzled his neck. "In one way or another, everything around you has a life on your own. Sit really still and listen, can you hear it?" His voice dropped into a whisper as he closed his eyes, a slight breeze rustling the leaves in the trees. Branches creaked under the draft, the grass whispering to each other around their paws. There was the soft hiss of snakes looking for mates, the gentle call of birds building their nests. Everything around them was breathing, living in one manner or another.

Opening his eyes, he looked down at Tyranis with a look of wonder in his eyes. What he wouldn't give to see this world like he did now, without the shade of hate, betrayal, and pain that blackened its bright colours. He would love to see it like that again, even in this small moment he was able to take a breath and really think. But it was far too serious, he bet the boy was getting bored. Flouncing around him, he nipped softly at his flanks before he took off running, peeking to see if the game of tag was under way. They could ask more questions later, now it was time to reward him with a little play.
