



4 Years
04-10-2017, 05:31 PM

She followed the motherly woman she had met recently, quiet as could be. Her large paws making quite the noise as she trudged through the land. She wasn't concerned right now with keeping quiet, more so was she focused on keeping up. Her ears perked as the female stopped and she sat with her eyes on the scene. Her colorful tail swept around her paws as she sat just a few feet from the side of Faite. She paid no heed to the fact that she should probably not be here, but more so to the fact that there was a strange toothed giant standing there. Here eyes stayed on him and her ears pinned at the sight of him. She of course wasn't one to intrude on the adult business so she was quiet except to name this new giant for what the dark coat he carried reminded her of. "Cauchemar." She had no word in English other than one for what he was one she wasn't sure translated right. She had to try though. "Scare." A look was sent to Faite then, one of question. She still wasn't sure that was right.

Her eyes then moved to the other woman that Faite seemed to know and she gave her a smile. His word catches her attention and she tilts her head at it. It was new and she wasn't sure what it meant but the way he said it was like another pup who teased and got mad for not getting his way. she tilted her head and quietly tested the word on her own tongue, barely even a whisper passing her mouth as she tried it out. Her head tilted at him and though a sliver of fear was in her eyes, she was intrigued by him. His eyes weren't red but did he hide because she knew what to look for or was she mistaken in what he was?

The appearance of another caught her attention and then her view was blocked by the female that came. Her reaction to such a thing was to stand and then move forward and first poke her nose into the opening of Faite's back legs. She wanted to see and she made it known by then shouldering her way and forcing herself between the new female and Faite until she came out from between them with a unconventional face plant. She was quick in getting back up and shaking it off. She then sat once more, her rump situated directly between Faite's forepaws. Her eyes were quick to latch onto the male once more. Her rainbow tail curled over her paws again and she watched curiously.

Can you see the nightmares?
I see them, and they scare me

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.