
Strawberry Fields



6 Years

04-10-2017, 06:40 PM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

It was warm out, but not in that unbearable kind of way that tended to stick around at the beginning of Autumn. Summer was fading and some of the trees in the valley were already beginning to turn yellow. It was still warm as the first frosts hadn't even begun to settle yet, but Faite certainly didn't mind. The herbs would stick around for a while yet and she was hoping Stardust and Zuriel would be able to make use of it before everything began to die off. Hopefully the herds would stick close by as well. Even if they didn't dwell within the valley or the willows they'd at least be able to go to the plains, the dancefloor really, and be able to hunt elk there.

She'd been sticking to the willows today. It was another one of those days where she didn't want to accomplish anything. She was doing her best to try and avoid Zell considering it was her season. She could still remember plainly the previous year and the five pups that had resulted then. She, of course, was far more aware of being careful, but she knew very well that she didn't need any more kids to worry about when hers weren't even a year old. Five was certainly enough for now.

She paused at the water's edge and peered into it to watch the minnows that darted back and forth before she laid down and let her toes dip into it. It was quiet other than the crickets and cicadas that made their racket from unknown locations. Other than that she was alone left to the whims of whomever came along if they even did.


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]