
[Meeting] Drag Me To The Grave



4 Years
04-10-2017, 06:47 PM
She had found it! a stash of food, though who's she didn't know exactly, but hopefully they didn't mind sharing with her. It was only one dead boar but it was huge and she wasn't about to stop and ask questions. Not like they would of understood her perfect French anyway. Her nose had found the slight traces in the wind earlier and then she had found it a short while ago. She chewed her mouthful of meat with reckless abandon. her ears twitched at the sound of a howl, a summoning and she tilted her head before swallowing her meat. She glanced to the direction and stood after cleaning her muzzle with her tongue.

Her paws started her in a trot and she was soon running towards the sound. Her tail was out behind her as a colorful flag of her position the entire time. Not like her brilliant red coat wasn't a bright red flag of her anyway. She kept moving though was quick to stop as she caught sight of a scrap of fur. Her ears pinned and she poked at it with her nose, chancing a few strands to stick to it. The scent here it was to her familiar enough, but the scent of male stood out and she backed away from it before turning tail and dashing to where Faite had called from. She was quick to skid to a halt before the woman, French words falling in a rush from her mouth. The few strands being the tell tale of her fear and panic. "Les cauchemars sont là! Courir! Nous devons courir!" Her sides heaved and her ears pinned as she looked at the woman who she hoped more or less understood her. Her tail was between her legs now and her wide eyes watched her hoping she would understand.

With a glance to the others around she moved to place her shaking form against the right foreleg of Faite. A look to Kairi was sent before her eyes went back to Faite, pleading now.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.