
Let's Have Some Fun, This Beat is Sick



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
04-11-2017, 03:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2017, 07:26 PM by Tealah.)
Chaos trotted out of his cave-den and took a deep breath. Ahhhh. Autumn. The temperatures had dropped to a pleasant one, with the faintest chill in the mornings but warming mildly as the sun came out. And look at those leaves! The fall colors were brilliant this year, even in the mountain region where few deciduous trees clung. He worked his way down from his den to the steppe, an idea percolating through his mind as he did.

"Say, Sgili," he mused aloud as the owl fluttered and swooped just above his head. "What d'you think, about time we hold a fair?" It had been an idea he'd spoken of at length with his two feathered friends. Sgili chittered approvingly. She and her mate had spent a great deal of time spreading the word among the birds and beasts, some who had regular contact with wolves and some who did not, that Crew would be holding a harvest fair for everyone to trade in preparation for winter. He'd alerted the few wolves of his Crew to expect it, and they may have been letting others know as well. The news would have spread to the wolf population like all rumors did among loners.

He'd gotten the idea off some weirdo he'd found living in the range when he'd gone to visit his parents recently and stolen it without even a tiny hint of guilt. Hey, nothing saying the guy couldn't just come to Crew's lands to do his trading, and it's not like a wolf living alone could really offer a whole lot of hospitality to traders anyway.

Yawning, he eyed the changes on the steppe with a practiced eye. Autumn was at its height now, and if he put it off any more the fine weather would be gone and wolves returning home from the fair would risk being caught in the first bad storms of the season. Not that he really cared about the health of wolves outside his pack, but if traders froze to death because he'd held his fair too late no one would come next year, and he was already planning for this to be an annual thing.

With a few words he sent both Sgili and Heecha off to alert wolves outside his immediate vocal range, then as they winged off in opposite directions he threw back his head and called out a deep, echoing invitation to all the creatures of Ardent to gather.

OOC: All wolves (and other species creatures!) are invited to a Harvest Fair. Check out the Crew pack page for a vague idea of what to expect. This will last one OOC month and for that month the Stone Steppe will be open to outsiders. Any posts in the Maw will be considered trespassing and will be treated accordingly, so stay in the acceptable boundaries only! If you have any questions Skype or PM me! ETA: Just to clarify, all wolves are invited, whether pack wolves (regardless of which pack) or loners!

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write