
Let's Have Some Fun, This Beat is Sick



6 Years

04-11-2017, 08:16 PM

She had been snooping around in the east when she heard the odd call come. Lifting her head, she let it fall to the side as an owl flew over head. Watching it disappear, she headed in the direction that it came from. This was the first time she had heard a call in this manner since she got her, and it got her heart pumping in her chest. With every step bells rang out, her scarf drifting behind her as she came to a scent marker. Oh, a pack border? Odd that it was on the inside, but the male who called had done so for all. Not able to contain herself, Jaelle crossed the border and past the stones with ease. She had already been here before, before a pack had made it home. Because of that it took her no time at all to find the dark coated male. Dipping her head, her bell-clad tail swung behind her as she eyed the saber tooth boy. It came as no surprise to her, she had met Aki and knew that there were wolves with odd growths that lived her. "Please tell me there will be drinking and dancing," Jaelle said with a smirk, taking a few more steps towards him. She had no idea where her stoat was, but perhaps it was best.

With obvious excitement in her blue and brown gaze, she glanced around at the empty clearing. She was surprised that she was the first one here, but eager to see where this went. As a gypsy this wasn't an uncommon thing, but she didn't have the means to host it on her own. Tossing a toothy grin in his direction, she shifted her weight across her paws. Jae didn't stare at his teeth but her eyes did a quick glance of him, committing his looks to memory. She would have to seek him out more often if this was a thing. "Thanks for hosting something like this stranger. It's been quite some time since I've been in something like this, and I cannot wait." Too excited to remember to state her name, a wild giggle slipping from her black lips. Wolves needed to hurry so this could happen.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.