
We can light it up!



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-11-2017, 10:17 PM

There was a subtle dilation to her pupils as Amon drew his breath to tell her about his family, Lilith was making her presence known without alerting the other to the change in personality. They were really much the same, although Lilith was much more savage and fierce. Her claim had always been that she was a deity of death when she spoke in her smokey whispers to Naamah in the early days of their life, her full story told once Naamah realized it was not some inner conscience that talked to her inside her head. The darker entity listened intently as he told his version of her story, flashes like memories laying like thick blankets over Naamah's mind. The feel of falling, what her magnificent king looked like as he fought and fell. A deep rumbling purr of approval escapes the dark lady at his side, and she gives a knowing smile when he looks at her. She dared not interrupt, Lilith gave the warning to Naamah silently, and when he said his peace she gave a subtle growl and a larger grin.

Lilith spoke, her voice retaining the same smoke and whiskey quality it held within Naamah's head. It was not so different from her host's voice, only subtly deeper and a bit richer in accent. Her pupils had expanded to leave only narrow slivers of mismatched red around them to tell Amon that something had shifted. Her very aura seemed to change, radiating power and danger as she came shoulder to shoulder with the wolf who held claim over such a prestigious bloodline. "You feel it, like I do. All of you family holds this feeling. I am thinking I am special in mine. I kill my sister and brothers, they were not allowed near Mother. I smother them, when I was born third. Mother encouraged this, said only pure were allowed life. Our story was lost to us, but I am knowing of some story of falling and war," she eyes him for a moment, watching him and gauging his reactions to her. There was a war within her for that brief second when she paused, about how much to tell him. Could he guess on his own? Lilith cautioned against the admission, some would take their shared body as a sign of mental weakness. Both were of sound mind, there could be no question of that. But Naamah finally agreed that they should know more of him before letting him in on their secret. "The goddess, Lilith, she spawned my line. It was her to keep us through time, and there is beliefs in my family that she chooses the strongest and bonds with them. After her mortal life ended, Lilith stayed bound to earth, watching her family grow. She had enjoyed the mortal blood spill that started once they fell, so she come back to live again when her chosen is born. My mother think it was me she picked, I am unsure." She played the hint off with a shrug and a small smile.

It was her own family history, or rather, the pieces of it she actually knew. Lilith rarely checked her line unless there was something worth looking at, and Naamah had caught her attention upon her birth. They had been bonded ever since, but Naamah only became aware of the entity within her when she learned to talk and have thoughts beyond survival. A rare moment of shy giddy-ness fell over the dark woman and she gave a nervous laugh at herself. Her eyes regained the proper dilation as the sun fell and they were left only with the light of the stars and the shimmering surf that they walked through. Her voice would return to normal, but she would not speak until he responded or asked any questions. Lilith thought she was being sneaky by acting like Naamah, but the shadow witch was certain Amon would see right through the act. He sensed something, she knew in her soul that he did, perhaps he would figure it out.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.