
Good day for death to strike


06-26-2013, 12:41 PM
Kai had been laying low for the past few days. He hasn't been suing with his cousins or brothers; he didn't even play with his Aunt Maka. Last time he was with Aunt Maka he sort of strayed too far from her until his mother had to come get him. Purple eyes scanned the are around him as he walked quietly. White toes pressed gently into the layer of snow as he wandered. His ears which were still a bit too big for his head perked up as he thought he had heard his cousin Cross' voice. Kairos followed the voice until he saw his cousin! And mercianne and another wolf he hadn't met yet was there too! A small smile appeared on his maw as his black tail wagged.

Purple eyes looked at his cousin as Kairos sat himself down. He didn't feel like playing or anything still.....he just felt so confused. He wasn't sure to be nice or mean but both feelings were inside of him. But the boy didn't want to be mean. Was he fighting it? It was so unfair. His brother Tivedious was just like their mother while Pericles was like their Aunt Maka. But who was Kairos like? Was he like their father? But who was his father? In his wanderings he had heard of a black brute with purple eyes...and how horrible he was. The boy believed he was his was Kairos like him? Was he turning out to be just like him? Kairos like Kaios? Maybe so...but the pup would wait until he saw a significant change.

"What are you guys doing?" he asked before casually looking around him.

His purple gaze settled on his cousin Cross who seemed to be a bit energetic or hyper today.