
a crooked nook



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-12-2017, 01:32 AM

Her head tilted with confusion when the stranger spoke. She had no idea what he had said, nor even what language he had spoken in, but it fascinated her. Her tail slowly wagged, tapping her ankles as she watched him curiously. While he was smaller than her, he didn't seem intimidated by her size. She nearly sighed in relief. Good. She kinda hated when others felt intimidated because of her size, but in truth, she was just a big sweetheart. Then again she didn't really have a reason not to be. She was naive and innocent, that much was obvious. But she had yet to encounter anything different that would make her not be that way. The male would speak the common native tongue then, which further piqued her interest. So he could speak two languages? Amazing!

When he said he didn't like berries, she was about to ask why until he asked who she was. She stepped forward a bit, head low and her tail continued wagging slightly, showing she wasn't a threat. "My name is Okami," She offered a shy smile, blue eyes briefly looking at his amethyst gaze before glancing at the currently bitter berries. "Strawberries are my favorite, but they're not really ripe until summer time..." She poked at one on a nearby bush with her nose, breathing in it's scent but was dismayed when it didn't smell as sweet as when she first found them. "It's a shame they're not ripe now, I'm dying to try another strawberry..." She didn't know of any other fruits in the area, that or maybe she just didn't know what they looked like to know that they were edible. The berries in this area was all she knew.

"Talk" "You" Think

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