
[Meeting] Drag Me To The Grave



6 Years

04-12-2017, 09:48 AM

She didn't have to wait very long before Zell arrived and judging by his bristling fur and the look on his face he'd seen the gruesome crime scene that had yet to be covered up. If her frown could have deepened it most likely would have, but at the moment it was impossible to get more upset than she already was. "I'll explain in a bit when everyone arrives. I want everyone to be on high alert." It was best to warn everyone now so it didn't happen again. They all deserved to be alerted and on their guard, especially so the pups wouldn't be in any danger.

Frostbite came next and judging by his face he'd seen it as well. She was aware the adults could handle seeing it, but if so many were coming across it on their way here perhaps she should have covered it up after all? The last thing she'd wanted to do was let one of the kids see it and freak them out. It was too late to do anything about it now so she dipped her head in greeting towards the other large male in greeting before she turned her attention to the others trickling in.

Fortune's presence helped ease her worries slightly. There were two alphas now and the borders would be patrolled more regularly. This wasn't exactly how she'd wanted to announce her cousin's promotion, but it would have to do for now. She dipped her head towards the woman before watching as the last stragglers came in. Jewell's arrival was probably the most surprising simply because she ran right up to her spouting off whatever language it was she spoke. Her ears flattened temporarily against her head as she struggled to figure out what the young girl was saying, but to no avail. The only thing she could glean was that she was scared about something. "Everything will be alright, I promise. There's no need to panic." She whispered. By the time she looked up again Rory had arrived, one of the last few she'd been waiting on, and she looked down at him with a stern look as he talked to Jewell. He'd been late, but she supposed she'd have to address it later.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice." She began, looking up at everyone gathered. "I'll start by addressing the elephant in the room - I know some of you have already noticed the scene further down the river. Ritsy was attacked. I'm not sure by what and his body is missing as well. I strongly suggest that everyone takes a partner with them when they go on a patrol and children are not to be at the borders or outside of them without an adult."

That would help give her some ease of mind - not that children were good at following rules, but she hoped that they could grasp how serious the situation was. It was bad enough that someone had hurt Ritsy - if anyone else got hurt she wasn't quite sure how she would handle it.

"I've promoted Fortune to Kaliq - I'm sure she'll serve the pack well as my secondary." She offered a brief smile to the larger woman as congratulations. "Anyone is free to call meetings and I strongly encourage everyone to attend them when they are called, even if it's not a subject you're familiar with."

She glanced towards the children next - they were all big enough for mentors now. Rather than waiting another two seasons for them to become an apprentice it was about time to kickstart their training. She'd waited long enough and there was almost enough adults in the pack to be able to teach them everything they needed to know.

"I'd like to assign all the children mentors now. Fortune, you'll mentor Rory, Zell you'll take on Torin, Zuriel, you can train Jaidah, Stardust can take on Kairi, Rin with Miach, Frost, I know you're knew, but if you could train Breasal for now I'd appreciate it. I'll train Jewell and Daelos for now. After about a season I'll have the children switch mentors again so they can learn another subject so in the mean time just teach them according to whatever rank you possess currently." She lanced around, seeing if there'd be any objections or opinions before she continued. "If anyone has any questions or concerns feel free to voice them now or you can speak to me or Fortune after the meeting."

Walk, "Talk" Think

ooc: So I paired people up randomly and Mentors will switch in a couple months. I found this to be a better idea than group threads since those often don't get finished. This next round doesn't have a deadline so feel free to have your character exit if they have nothing to say.
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