
Meet Me At The Gates

Valor I


8 Years

04-12-2017, 10:13 AM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2017, 11:58 AM by Shrapnel.)

He wasn't quite sure what had possessed him to leave Celestial. Maybe it was because they were supposed to have made the trip to the north weeks ago, but hadn't yet on account of Creed. Their uncle Crucible had died and that had ended the trip. Dragon had gone back to Talis after escorting them back to Celestial and that had been the end of that. He hadn't known his uncle very well so it was awkward being at home, but he felt bad for their Da. He was his only other brother since he'd explained a while ago that Cross had been missing for some time.  

Either way it was weird being home. Justice was back, something that should have delighted him more than it did, but it was a bittersweet feeling. Where were Exodus and Knight? Why couldn't they have come home with her? Perhaps it was another reason, maybe on a subconscious level, that he'd traveled north by himself. It was his first time leaving pack lands on his own and he was halfway hoping he'd find their missing siblings somewhere along the way. Then he'd get to return home and boast about how he'd brought them back!

He knew there most likely wasn't any other family here in the north. He'd already learned that the rest of the Ancora line lived in Talis, but it was still humbling to come to the place where the old family had lived. This was where his Da had lived as a pup before he'd left to another continent for a few years. He could see the allure to the place - the temperatures were slightly more pleasing to his thick coat, even only by a little bit since it wasn't winter, and the towering pine trees were beautiful. He'd also managed to pick up on the scents of elk and some deer which easily gave him the idea that hunting had to be pretty damn great in good years. All around he didn't regret the trip at all even though he was alone and had yet to run into Exodus or Knight.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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