

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
04-12-2017, 03:31 PM
Okay, it was rather difficult to hide the scoff, but somehow, Lykos did it, swallowing down his retorts. He instead kept completely silent, his eyes glaringly cold as he stared at his brother, listening. Of... course. Of course it was all of Lykos' fault; of course it was seen that way. Forced to stay within the pack, and then denied the right to leave the pack, and now he's being told that it's his fault - and that he was breaking pack law for a year. Breaking laws that he never agreed to. Breaking laws of an alpha he would never, and never has bowed down to. Breaking laws of a pack that had he not been denied his right to leave, he'd never been a part of. Lykos took a deep, controlling breath and released it carefully and slowly before he spoke.

When he spoke, he tried his damned best to keep it controlled, neutral, and emotionless - and succeeded, thankfully. "I was denied the right to leave the pack. Twice. First by our mother, and then by you. To be denied that right is what is meant by prisoner. I am not being forcibly held in the pack lands, but I am being forcibly held by you in allegiance to this pack. The reason I broke this 'pack law' is because, as I told you, if you did not release me... I just won't come with. I'd release myself. I once bowed down to our mother. I was part of the pack Ivalice. I was not, and never will be, a willing part of the pack Talis." Lykos paused, his eyes flicking only briefly to Gryphon and then back to Dragon. This was when a bit of emotion slipped through - it made his voice softer, more tired. "You can smell me. I do not smell of your pack. No stray wolf would associate me with Talis, because I do not carry even the slightest hint of your pack's scent. That's how I want it to be. Can't you see that the only thing I want is to be away from you, and the rest of the family? Can't you see that trying to force me simply drives me further away, makes me want to leave even more?" Lykos shook his head and sighed. He didn't say any more - he already said more than enough; he already said too much. In fact, he spoke more than he expected to, and with a lot less anger than he expected. He was just... tired of this bullshit.


art by birmapus