
One, two, three, repeat after me



10 Years
Athena I
04-12-2017, 09:20 PM

As a general rule, Baine tended to avoid the desert and all of the bright sunlight it held. For someone as pale and pink as she was all the desert promised for her was a mighty powerful sunburn. But, all the same, her curiosity brought her to the edges from time to time. At the very least she tried to stick to the shade whenever possible. She spotted the grouping of palm trees and made a beeline for them and their promise of lots of shade. She was really trying to branch out more and tone up her muscles a bit more so that she could be the best emissary she could possibly be for Regulus, but she could already feel the skin on her nose and around her eyes start to get all hot and tight from the first touches of sunburn!

She ducked into the shade of trees with a grateful sigh. Finally, a little bit of relief! Maybe she could hide out here until- Her train of thought was interrupted when a voice caught her attention and made her ears perk as she listened. She normally would have been a bit more cautious or even turned around and left to avoid any stranger danger, but the second she realized the voice in question was speaking in a language she didn't recognize she was suddenly much more curious than she was cautious. She listened closely to the faint, mysterious words for a few moments more before she finally stepped forward again to find the man behind the voice. His brown-hued form was fairly easily to find once she caught his scent. She came around so that he could see her coming, but she kept a comfortable distance from him all the same. "Hello!" she greeted cheerfully with a polite dip of her head. "Sorry to bother you! I just heard you talking and I was wondering what language that was."

"Talk" "You" Think