
Let's Have Some Fun, This Beat is Sick



4 Years
Extra large
04-13-2017, 12:37 AM

Artemis had found a splendor in her new territory's harvest. Well, in truth it was not so new anymore. She had worked tirelessly, familiarizing herself with the nooks and crannies of the place. She was to hunt for the pack, and part of that meant knowing the trails they walked, the watering holes they preferred, the best grazing, and more. It was like a game to her, in truth, and she played it eagerly from dawn until dusk.

Chaos' call was an unexpected diversion, but not necessarily and unpleasant one. As it rang across the lang the cerulean woman perked. She found herself on the edge of the Steppe's northern border, not far from the inlet which would lead her north to the rock garden. She was hunting pika, ground birds, and other small game. She had stashed two quail and a hare since waking that morning, and had a lone pika dangling from her jaws. She had grown to like the small rodents quite a bit; they were perfect to snap up in a bite or two, and tender.

Well, the howl broke her out of that right quick. It was an interesting howl at that, one that welcomed all wolves, and promised something grand and exciting. The tenor of it quivered something in her overly-excitable soul, and she ran with power and ease back to her stash of hidden goodies. Two vultures circled overhead, but neither had been able to get about the rocks she'd rolled on top of the lot. She snickered, uncovered her bounty, and was off. She made a comical picture, running about with over-stuffed jaws and limp bodies dangling about her legs, but she arrived at the gathering's start with a bit in tow. No need to be stingy if Chaos clearly hoped for large numbers in attendance. She tried her best to catch his eye as she came upon the few gathered so far, and send him a wink.

Beyond the fanged behemoth, she caught sight of a rather pretty woman. Her dappled coat would make for excellent winter camouflage, she reflected, mind wandering even then back to the hunt. In truth she was not overly fond of large gatherings, but her curiosity won out. What did he have planned, anyways? She nodded to the stranger, and then to Valdis, but it was Chaos she spoke to. "So what's planned for us, O' Mighty Gamesmaster?" she probed with a chuckle. "Anything I should be worried about?" It was made in jest, mostly, knowing that he meant for this to be a festive, enjoyable occasion. Then again, she wouldn't put it past him to propose a game of 'Hunt the Bear' as an opening act. It's not that she wouldn't be down, she'd just rather know ahead of time, is all.

Oh well, she conceded. He's aptly named, I'll give him that much, she thought with a smirk. Perhaps after she got the down-low from Chaos she could organize a hunt or something to fell a larger beast for the entirety of them. It could be a game for all she cared, and a good one at that too. Brimming with ideas and over-excitement, she waited to see who else might heed Chaos' call, and what he would have to say.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!