
This Is Your Time, You Better Take It [Meeting]


04-13-2017, 05:25 PM
Fern had been loping along, weaving through the brush, when a howl rang out across the land. It was a commanding voice, calling a meeting of some sort. Fern perked her ears, glancing in the direction of the border she'd nearly crossed a few hours ago. She'd continued traveling alongside it, for what reason she couldn't tell. She'd never been part of a real pack, and until she heard that howl, Fern had had no inclination to. Now, suddenly, some deep, primal instinct had her stopped in her tracks, head up, listening. Some instinct pulled her towards the border, her paws stopping just on the edge of it. Some instinct had her raising her head and opening her jaw.
She howled, low and guttural, sending a message to the alpha of this pack that she, Fern, wanted to join this pack. She'd heard of Talis, and known of its existence, but hadn't given joining any thought. Something had changed with the sound of a wolf, one of her own kind. The first she'd heard in a long while.
Fern closed her jaw, and sat down to wait for permission to enter Talis's territory.