
Strawberry Fields



4 Years
04-14-2017, 06:36 AM
To say she was tailing the more normal colored female would be an understatement. Jewell was in fact likely bordering on stalkerish. She was close to being a year old and frankly her newest favorite form of enjoyment was coming from watching the other kids and the adults. Sure she could of probably joined in on the rough housing and other activities but that just wasn't her just yet. Her favorite subject to watch was starting to be Faite who seemed to do a lot of walking usually on the same paths, which did seem rather confusing. Didn't she want to see new places and walk different paths? Jewell did but also Jewell was about less work. The red headed one she met in the bush was interesting too but seeing two of her was always confusing since Jewell hadn't yet learned why there were two. Though one was definitely a boy if that counted for anything.

She moved forward as soon as Faite laid at the edge of the water. Her eyes scanned the water before she got a small idea to stir up some fun. Her tail set to wagging ferociously as she lunged forward sprinting before leaping directly into the water. The splash that followed was directly next to Faite and intended to get her soaked with the water. Her lips peeled up in a huge grin as she looked back to Faite with a bubble of laughter at her own antic. Her voice then came after in her deep French accent and words. Of course Faite probably wouldn't understand entirely but maybe she would get the premise of her words. "Je t'ai eu!" Just like that she was out of the water and had her chest to the ground and rump in the air. Her tail was high above her hips and wagging fast enough that her butt shook. It was something she had seen other children do multiple times, mostly after pulling an antic like she had just done. She knew it initiated play usually and she honestly was interested to see what effect it would have on Faite.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.