
Teach me how to dougie


04-14-2017, 10:19 PM

"I guess we are!" He wasn't sure if he was prepared to hear that, but given the fact they had the same last name and looked so similar made him feel less alone. His tail wagged just as Fable's did, a wide grin showing as the pair settled into defensive stances. He would have to ask more about it later, and how they were related. Maybe cousins or something? He and Darrow were the only two of their father's litter, so maybe this was one of his uncles kids! The thought excited him, and he would use this newfound energy of excitement to fuel him in the fight. "Ready?" The golden marked boy nodded, wondering just how hard he should be fighting against a relative. When it came to strangers, Roc had to fight with everything he had to protect him and his brother, but this was different. It was a friendly spar against family, so did that mean he had to pull some punches? He supposed it all depended on his larger adversary. Shaking out his pelt, Roc slid into a defensive stance almost as soon as Fable did. He widened his stance to hip and shoulder length apart, head lowering over his throat, bi-colored eyes narrowed, ears pinned to his head, hackles rising...though that felt weird having to force his hackles up without actually being angry. Did Fable feel the same? Nonetheless, he had to still defend himself. He flagged his tail out behind him to align with his head and spine, toes spreading and claws biting the dirt. Shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck, scruff bunching and teeth showing in an effort to intimidate and protect his face when he needed to. He was ready.

Fable nodded to him, an indication that things were going to begin. He was so ready for this. He watched the larger boy closely, muscles tensing and ready to move at the slightest sign of his opponent's movement, and once Fable launched forward, so too would Roc. Narrowed eyes saw Fable's chest coming at him, and with a four inch difference in height, Roc had to improvise and figure out what to do, and fast. He had never fought someone larger than himself, so this would definitely be interesting. As the two got closer to one another, Roc decided he would go head on and meet Fable head first. He ducked his head down, tucking his head further to his chest, aiming to drive his skull right into the lower part of Fable's throat with a head butt and potentially drive the wind from him when they collided. If that were to be successful, then he was sure some sort of bruise and a headache would ensue later, but for now the adrenaline kept the pain at bay. He kept his ground, however, putting force behind his retaliation so as not to be pushed back. Mere seconds after collision, he felt teeth upon his skin, but they would strike further back away from his head, with Fable's teeth striking where Roc's shoulder blades protruded from his back. He winced slightly at the pinching pain, light bite marks the result of his cousins attack. Focusing now on his own attack, Roc's jaws opened and he twisted his head inward and slightly to his right, face nearly muffled in Fable's fur as he sought to clamp down on the larger boys neck. Top fangs sought to bite into the right side of Fable's neck, and bottom fangs sought a grip on the lower part of Fable's throat. He would attempt to grip him there and possibly mildly suffocate him, though not anything deadly or dangerous. He just simply wanted to drive the wind from him.

He was no expert in fighting and had no idea really what a friendly fight entailed, so he was somewhat trying to follow Fable's lead.

Round 1/3
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy
