


04-15-2017, 07:18 AM
His growls did nothing to rile her or make her give her calm demeanor up. He could continue to threaten as he wished but in the end it was just that a wordless sound that could neither help nor harm. Action would be the only thing she would give rise to. Why fear what did not act? There was no reason to. If he truly had wanted to attack her he would of done so already and she was well aware of it. Though she had to think he either had better sense than that or he just wanted to attempt to intimidate her for the fun of it. She wouldn't be allowing that to happen, best to give him no entertainment than to give in to his foolish idea of fun. She was wise beyond her years from years of training as a medicine woman, and she did expect it showed somehow. Her smile never faltered, only remaining soft with a softness to her eyes to compliment it.

His words showed his own foolishness. Friends were no weakness, a strong wolf with no friends was a wolf who fought for nothing and had no one to aid him, while a wolf with many friends had strength of heart and friends to fight with him. Life lessons were something she felt this wolf missed. Her next statement was just a reflection of that, words were respectful enough but she left the lesson in it for him to decide if he understood the meaning or not. "A pack divided will never fell the mighty buffalo, but a pack together can fell anything." she gave a pause as she sat up and leveled her gaze on him. She was an old soul in the form of a younger wolf. He hopefully didn't need her to explain the saying, though she would if he asked. Though should he disagree still they would just have to agree to disagree.

Jett was quick with his interjection to Zenara though, his voice disrespectful to her though she didn't mind. Rather she was used to him and his grouchy tones and attitude. "Yeah Zen? Well true strength comes from within. Standing alone means no one can hurt you or make you give up something for someone else. he gave her an eye roll before he stood and moved off to the tree line once more. She gave a sigh and shake of her head at him but didn't stop him nor argue. It was best not to with Jett. Her eyes went back to Archon as he introduced himself and she gave a nod. His name would be easy enough to remember. A joking tone came from her then as she gave him a small question, "So do you try to intimidate all the women you meet? Or did you just decide you wanted to try the bad boy thing out?" it was lighthearted and all in good fun. There wasn't even a disrespectful price to her tone.