
Talk the talk


04-15-2017, 06:32 PM
The man had been traveling in the lands of Boreas for quite some time now. Though he was getting used to the fact that he was around these wolves the male felt a bit… restless. He hadn’t had a job since arriving in this place and that alone felt foreign to the aging wolf. Still, at the same time, he had to admit that it felt a bit nice too. He was able to focus on himself for a little bit, as well as visit with Zephyr and Mara respectively. It got the man to thinking how things could change over time… and, with a shake of his head, he pressed onward.

He had no destination in mind, only the forward moving motion of his paws to lead him anywhere. His ears perked forward, silvery-gray eyes scanning the terra. He had took notice of the borders of a pack nearby, but was content to keep walking by them rather than stopping to howl for the leader. He wasn’t the sort to favor packs… their mindless loyalty. Still… Félicien glanced in the direction of the pack. He had to admit he was a bit curious as to the individuals that lived there. Perhaps they’d be interested in a mercenary for hire?

He slowed, tail giving a thoughtful swish. For once the man had his guard down… especially if it was down enough to let a young pup go by unnoticed.