
Forever Young



5 Years
04-15-2017, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2017, 08:52 PM by Jackson.)

Seeing that the young girl began to relax, he did also. She must have realized that he was no threat to her which he was glad she did. He would never think of hurting anyone as young as her. It wasn't right for anyone to harm a pup. Her first words spoken made his ears perk and his brows furrow in confusion. 'Ran away? On purpose?' he mentally questioned. He knew how easy it was to get lost because it happened to him as a pup. He was a little older then her, but he knew it was easy, but to run away was not something he expected her say. It made him wonder what kind of life she had that drove her to run away, but he remained quiet wondering if she would continue on or not.

The male was patient allowing her to take her time in telling him what was going on. He was also alert making sure that no danger approached them. He felt bad for her because he remembered the sickening feeling of being alone at such a young age. To even try and survive on your own at her age would be extremely difficult and there would be no way for her to survive on her own. If it hadn't been for old lady Hadi he would have never lived to see his first year of life after getting lost. She went on to explain things, but he could tell she was holding back or not telling him all the details which is okay. By the sounds of it her home had been shattered anyway which was another thing the male could relate to. The first place he considered home which had been his brother's pack had been challenged and his brother defeated. The pack broke to shambles which is one of the reason's he came back to his uncle's pack.

She went on to say that she had been doing okay, able to catch rodents, but she was worn out. In his opinion just rodents wasn't good enough for a pup her age, she needed more so that she could grow properly. He winced slightly as she showed him her sore paws. They should be tended to and he knew his Aunt would be all over treating the girl if she was in his shoes right now. Though he didn't know much about healing therefor he didn't know where to begin as far as healing the girl. What he should do was take her back home with him and let his aunt tend to her. He was sure his Uncle would take her in, if the child desired to be in another pack. She had thought he was from the rival pack, here to drag her back, but she seemed to know now that it wasn't the case.

She then questioned about him being in a pack and he shook his head yes.

"I'm apart of my Uncle's pack which is actually only a territory over from here. I'm what they call the Baron, the pack's head hunter. If you like you could come home with me, will get your paws tended to and I'll hunt you up some bigger more yummy grub?" he replied. "I'm Jackson by the way."

"Talk" & 'Think"

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