



7 Years
04-16-2017, 07:41 AM
It'd been awhile since he'd been here. He'd been young then, impulsive and indecisive all at the same time, and his lack of certainty about the future was what had pulled him away. His childhood dreams, when he was rather young, had been to rule Seracia after his parents. They'd lost interest in such things, presumably after having their second litter of children, and quickly his dreams had been shattered. Feeling aimless, he'd ended up here, but.. Harmony had been ready for far more than he was and he'd eventually slipped away, unsure how to proceed.

It'd only taken him nearly years to come back. Not too bad, right? He tried to refrain from grinning at the thought, but his expression barely faltered when Harmony came into view. From a distance she looked little different than the young woman he'd known back then, as slender and lovely as he remembered, but as she drew closer he became aware that time had etched its way across her features. She seemed gentler and slighter, though her presence was as vibrant to him as he remembered. His grin widened a bit, his sea-green eyes flashing with something like playfulness. He was more certain of himself now, in an easy sort of way, less arrogant and less of a jokester. Time seemed to smooth out his rough edges, as water would wear away at stone more and more each year.

"And hello to you too, Harmony," he offered slowly, his grin wilting just slightly to turn into an easy smile. "It's been.. a while." That was an understatement. Part of him worried how much had changed since he'd been gone, particularly in regards to his family, but that was a question best left discovered another day. "I'm happy to find Abaven, and you, still here." It was hard to say much more -- she seemed happy enough to see him, but he was ignorant to anything that had happened in the last five years and didn't know if he would be as welcomed as he hoped.