



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
04-16-2017, 10:24 AM
As she readied herself, she narrowed her eyes and studied him. He was just a bit younger than she was, though nearly a head taller. He was quite considerably bulkier than she was, so she'd have to use her agility to best him since it looked very much like he could dominate her strength-wise. Glad she had convinced him to start, hoping that by getting the defensive advantage she could find a way to ready herself enough to not be caught completely by surprise. As she waited, she spread her limbs and let her weight settle evenly across them. Instinctively she found her toes spread slightly, hoping to help her claws gain traction with the ground and keep her upright and her posture steady. Mirroring his own stance with a slight smirk, she lowered her head to protect her throat and let her tail stand behind her level with her back.

As soon as she saw him take off, her ears pinned down against her skull, lips peeling back to reveal a slight sneer without having meant to. His attack wasn't what she expected; he moved to her right side, though quickly twisted around so they were parallel and shoved his left shoulders into hers. The force was rough, but she'd been prepared for some kind of impact. His greater weight did make her shoulder ache quickly, though the pain subsided quickly as adrenaline flooded her - perhaps it might bruise slightly or be sore later. Lifting her front left paw, Ásvor aimed to pull the lower half of her body away from his toward the left, no more than forty-five degrees away. She lifted her muzzle, jaws parting as she reared up slightly and aimed to grab hold of the scruff on the back left side of his neck.

ASVOR vs. LAISREN for Spar
Round 1 of 3