
Waiting for dawn in the darkness of disaster

Zephyr I


10 Years
04-16-2017, 10:32 AM
Time solved everything. Didn't it? That was how the saying went, at least - and it was true that time did solve most things. It didn't, however, give him much clarity regarding Caelum and his feelings for her. It was hard to deny them, but he couldn't decide if he was simply grabbing hold of nostalgia or if things could truly be good with her again. What he did know, with certainty, was that he enjoyed spending time with her again, however scarce he had been as of late. She seemed to enjoy it, too, and he noted that neither of them really wandered far from the lands they had spent time in. Caelum's scent was always easy for him to find, and today he had grabbed hold of it and trailed after it.

Autumn had brought a nice coolness to the lands, and he wouldn't deny being thankful that the bulk of the summer heat was gone. It'd been unbearable at times, making his thoughts even more muddled and confusing to him. Everything seemed more easily understood in the coolness of fall, and he felt strangely peaceful today as he padded through the tall grasses of the plains. This place was lovely, quiet and calm and he was grateful that Caelum had chosen this place to explore today.

His pawsteps were far from silent as they crunched grasses and snagged on vegetation as he approached her spot. Her scent grew stronger, but he was surprised when he nearly stumbled into her lying on the ground. "Good hiding spot," Zephyr commented dryly, but a slight grin tugged at his lips. "I nearly trampled you. You really ought to be more careful, you know." His voice held a playful touch, as he drew around toward her front and pushed his nose against the top of her head.

"Talk" "You" Think