
Forever Young



04-16-2017, 05:50 PM
The orange colored male was silent as he listened to her story. Geneva wasn't sure if the silence was a good or bad thing, but she was at glad someone was listening to her at least. It had been so long since she had someone to talk to that she had almost forgotten what it was like. Once she finished her story Geneva took a breather to allow the male to speak. He mentioned his name was Jackson after talking about his pack. A smile rose to her lips showing her comfort that he offered to take her there, tend to her paws, and give her food. Her stomach rumbled at the idea of a fat piece of elk or buffalo or whatever they had. Rodents were one thing, but a big fat steak was another. Her mouth had already begun to drool and she had to lick her lips to keep it from dripping.

What was stopping her from answering so quickly was her mind, a fickle thing it was. With her past experience Geneva's defenses were still up so trusting quickly was an obstacle. She weighed out her options in her mind; either decline and starve to death or accept his offer, heal up, and see his pack. Who knew - there might be other nice wolves in the pack like him. Geneva sure hoped so as she took another moment to think. Even though she was young, she obtained her mothers smarts so survival was her sole top priority at the moment.

Silently, Geneva was still wary as to what she was getting into by accepting his offer. It was possible he could be a very cool minded liar and tricking her. Jackson could also be a more passive wolf that turned a blind eye. On a more positive light, Geneva strangely did not feel threatened by Jackson. He had this rather relaxed air about him and he sounded genuinely concerned for her well being. Not only that, she was too far from her old pack to be found nor was she even worth the effort at six months old. Eventually, her old pack may move on to better grounds for take over or someone from the inside would end the reign. Regardless, she felt in her heart she had nothing to fear for the time being especially with this place so green.

After a few moments of thought, she felt like she needed more information. "Maybe." Geneva said softly. "What is your pack like? Are there a lot of.. rules? What happens if you break one?"