
taking flight


04-17-2017, 03:29 AM
Ah yes, things had changed and she was more than happy with that. Rin's face still floated in her head, and she was wondering... just where that would go. It was strange, she didn't know about that. Things were odd in Fortune's head, but she doesn't mind that so much. Things are different and weird and strange, but that's okay. She's more than okay with that. High head and open heart for the day, for the week, for the season. It will be more than lovely, and it will continue to be more than lovely.

The stranger is the same color as the first born fawns. It's funny in that way, and it leaves Fortune tilting her head slightly. He was handsome, sure. Not as handsome as-- the grin plays at her face, she won't think it. She won't dare think it. Still, the rakish grin still plays at her face. It's open and friendly, tail wagging as her eyes fall on the strange man. The brave is pleased to see someone.

"What can I do ya for, stranger?" Her tail wags, head cocking gallantly to the side. There's something amazing in her system today, something breathtaking. Today she's strong. "Name's Fortune, I help my sister run the pack here." Right, that sounded good enough. She grins, eyes on the stranger's face.

shock & awe