
Stop Drop and Roll



2 Years
04-17-2017, 01:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2017, 01:59 PM by Glock.)
He grunted with extreme effort as he leapt from the emerald green grass and onto a downed log, attempting to get the bulk of his weight over the obstacle before gravity caught up to him. He grunted and huffed, his back legs attempting to catch on the log’s bark but mostly flailing helplessly in the air. “Uh oh.” He mumbled, feeling the grip under his front paws giving way and sending him down to the ground back first. His thick padding had thankfully cushioned the fall but now he was stuck, not unlike a turtle. He heaved a sigh and shifted his weight from side to side until he was back on his side and able to stand. So far he had tried and failed to make the jump over the log twice and he was already starting to feel worn out.

He sat for a moment, staring at the impediment with a critical gaze. He wasn’t like his siblings; graceful and sleek, he was the muscle, he wasn’t built to sail noiselessly through the woods and chase prey, he was made to barrel into anything that got in his way and take it down with his bulk. So it would only make sense that trying to go over the log would be a lost cause. The thought of going around the tree and finding a different way into the nook never even occurred to him, which in his mind, left only one option; Under it. He backed up as much as he could, eyeing the small triangle of space between the trunk of the tree and a boulder. He snorted like a bull and with a mighty roar, he charged.

At first his plan appeared to be a success, his shoulders and most of his torso cleared the space with relative ease. It wasn’t until he was about halfway through that he found himself hopelessly stuck and unable to progress. He struggled at first and attempted to kick his massive body through but ultimately found himself unable to budge. He wuffed a defeated sigh then looked at his surroundings. The Nook as it turned out was a beautiful place and brought a wide smile to his features, his tail wagging from the other side of the log as he uttered a quiet “Purty”
