
Let's Have Some Fun, This Beat is Sick



9 Years
04-17-2017, 10:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2017, 02:06 AM by Xephyris.)

Xephyris had long since left the North behind since his pack had been disbanded, and he had kept to the shadows, avoiding everyone as he licked the wounds of his damaged pride. He'd never thought he could fail the way he had, but it was true, he had let everyone down, even his own daughters. He felt like he'd become something he'd never imagined himself as. If ever he needed a distraction from the reality he faced, today would be the day. And it came with perfect timing, the howl of a stranger inviting other strangers into his land. What a perfect opportunity to include himself in an event that really held no long-term commitment of any kind. It was merely an invitation to come, see and leave again at one's convenience. The broken man would make his way with little haste toward the Stone Steppe, although for once his paws felt a little lighter. Perhaps this gathering would be good for him. He didn't expect to know anyone there, so perhaps it would be a chance for him to start over.

He picked his way amongst the crumbled, ancient stone structures, until he saw a small group of wolves in the distance. He was sure he wouldn't know anyone. Yet when he came closer, it became very apparent that not everyone here was a stranger to him. He recognized the saber-toothed brute that had made an appearance when Xephyris had been claiming Vyper. But of course, most noticeable to Xephyris, was the beautiful, bell-clad gypsy. His paws froze to the ground and time stopped just for a moment as he contemplated leaving; guilt flooded his conscience. Why hadn't he done more for her? A sigh left his lips, and with his head low, the brute stalked forward anyways. He had nowhere else to be, nowhere else to go. He might as well be here.

He wanted to go to her side but he didn't deserve to stand there, so instead he made his way to the opposite side of the group. He tried to keep his eyes fixed on Chaos, and when he arrived in front of the large brute, Xephyris dipped his head lower to the man, trying to muster a smirk when he looked up. "Seems we've switched places," he mused weakly, "Looks like you're doing better than me, though. What have you got planned for the wolves of this continent?" Falling silent, the man merely waited to see what would unfold. He wouldn't be awfully surprised if Chaos didn't remember his mediocre existence, after all, they'd only met once, and Chaos was much more recognizable than his own plain, small, gray-coated self. Silver, blue-flecked eyes flickered quickly, hopefully unnoticeably, in Jaelle's direction, before he glance back toward Chaos. He tried to keep his mind focused on this gathering that to him was rather meaningless, but it was difficult to pry his mind away from the one wolf in this environment that stood out most to him.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]