
A Change in the Wind


5 Years
Athena I
06-26-2013, 02:45 PM
When all else fails, when there's no one left, when there's no home to go to, what is a wolf to do? This has been the question that this fea has been trying to answer for over a year. The pads of her paws were tough and worn from use and every muscle in her body was toned from the constant movement she put herself through. She had traveled hundreds of thousands of miles, and where did she find herself? A huge, wide open space with only the occasional rock to break her view. Gradually she slowed from her steady trot to a complete halt. She muscles ached and her paws were sore and she was in the middle of a large, empty plain. She sighed and sat down heavily. "This is getting old..." she mumbled to herself. She looked up at the sky, watching the few clouds drift by above her. She shivered as a gust of winter wind tore at her fur and she sighed again. "Definitely getting old..."

She stood and stretched her legs out in front of her, groaning as all of her tired muscles stretched out. When she stood up again she shook out her thick, multi-hued fur, breaking loose the snow, dust, and pieces of grass that had gotten caught. She look another look around her and noticed, to her surprise, dark patches all over the ground between the patches of snow. She trotted over to one of these patches and sniffed along the ground, catching the faint, but unmistakable scent of old blood. She took a step back and looked around her again and noticed these patches were everywhere and she was sure they were under the snow as well. "Where in the hell am I...?" she whispered, shaking her head. Walking over to where she thought it might be a little less stained than the rest of the earth, she sat down again.

For a year and a half this had been her life. Wandering from place to place, only stopping to sleep and eat. After surviving the attack and making a new life for herself after she had lost her memories... There wasn't much else she could do. She looked skyward once again and took a deep breath. Something was going to change, she could feel it. Meili didn't know who or what was coming or what was going to happen, but whatever it was she was ready for the change.