
Hard days made me



2 Years
04-18-2017, 01:23 AM
She'd been on her own for some time now. Her father had shown her and her sister how to hunt, luckily, since she couldn't depend on him for that now. When she'd been younger, it seemed like everything would be okay, even though their mother had left. Xephyris had been so caring, so dedicated... Saffron thought she'd be able to rely on him forever. All of a sudden, he'd up and left. She and Memphis had stayed together for some time, but they'd drifted apart, and now she found herself utterly alone. It wasn't like she couldn't handle it; she was perfectly capable, and she wouldn't let anything stop her from getting what she wanted. But it was just so simply boring! There was no one to romp and explore with, no one to do anything!

Small paws carried her quickly across the icy rocks that led to the waterfall, watching as a light, powdery snow fell from dull gray skies. It was an average day in the North, cold, bleak and snowy. It seemed like the warm season had just ended, and yet it seemed ages ago already. The cold winds and endless snow had returned, something she'd been used to since her birth. It never bothered her, of course, it seemed to her just the way of the world. It snowed most of the time, and for a short few months it was warm, almost too warm, and the plants grew, went through their cycles quickly, and then withered away into the state of the North that was most normal.

Her nails left dainty prints in the small amount of snow stuck to the rocks. A trail had begun to form behind her. She was aware, but unconcerned about the path she'd left that led straight to herself. Anyone bringin' a fight her way was welcome, but of course she wouldn't mind a pleasant meeting as well. Saffron didn't care what came her way, she was ready.