
Hard days made me


04-18-2017, 03:57 AM
He was more or less out for a walk when he stumbled upon the scene. A mere pair of children before him and he was dumbfounded. How could anyone leave their children to wander alone. Fuck what was he spouse to do? Not help the pair? Not in his life would he have ever done so. It took him maybe fifteen minutes or so to do what he had but he had succeeded none the less. He moved towards them, his ears back at just the thought of a pair of kids starving and freezing up here. His mouth was slack jawed as he gripped the fawn. It was a late season babe but it should just do the trick to take the edge off their hunger until he could get his brothers together to take down a buffalo or something to the south. After all he wasn't just about to leave em here, the younger of the two especially.

He approached from upwind so as to give the pair a heads up. He didn't want em to get scared off because he was a mammoth of a male. Sure he had heard stories of males killing pups cuz they were competition and not their blood but colt was damned if he was letting that happen. As he came to be within feet of them he didn't wait to drop the food for them. Then with only a nod towards it he moved to lay next to the younger as a wind buffer. His deep southern voice came out softer and in concern for the boy as he looked him over. "Let 'im sleep darlin', looks 'ike e's ad ah tough run o it. Go on an' eat yer fill." he looked her over too and while she didn't look as bad as the younger child he still felt concern for her well being. He gave her a soft smile hoping to put her at ease before he spoke again. "You two got names? Also consider yerselves under protection of tha MacNarahs, we get you fed 'nd fixed up." he was leaving little room for argument over this. He wasn't about to let these two wander off alone anywhere. He would see to it they got the care they needed.