



7 Years
Extra large
04-18-2017, 03:31 PM

An odd sight it was, yet the smirk that twisted her lips skyward was real. This Pyralis was an interesting woman indeed, but Mara found her idea of fun rather amusing. Trotting after the taller wolf, Mara decided today might be enjoyable after all. It wasn't often she took any sort of a liking to a stranger, but she shook off the surprise relatively quickly, eager to go chase down some of those awful birds. Keeping to the side of Pyre closest to the waves, she waited for some of the fleeing birds to go scurrying her way. Once they were rushing her way, preoccupied with their escape from the initial attack, pouncing on one of the unsuspecting creatures and knocking it over, biting into the birds side. The horrid sounds it made pierced her ears, but she was too busy going for the neck to care, placing a paw over it's head to help hold the thing in place. She didn't kill it though, blood stained lips lifting from her catch a she called, "Try and leave it alive. The sea creatures like their food injured." She'd yet to see one take an already dead meal and wasn't about to just waste her catch and come away with empty paws.

Turning back to the bird Mara took her time, sinking fangs into the wildly struggling wings in hopes of crippling the thing. Slowly she'd rise, bird held tightly in her mouth, and move to deliver her catch to the ocean, scrabbling over some rocks that protruded from the waves until she could fling the bleeding mess of an animal into the water with a wild grin. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't just a bit excited to see the toothy creatures that emerged from the dark ocean depths to claim these blood-stained prizes. Turning to where Pyralis was she let her half-tail tap the rocks a couple times. Hopefully her companion for today would find the beasts impressive. And if nothing came to fetch the birds, why maybe they could go rid the world of some more of those stupid things to make up for it.

"Talk" "You" Think
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Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.