
Bring Me Back to Life



4 Years
04-18-2017, 03:51 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2017, 12:08 PM by Esmee.)
Esmee did not mean to disturb the other female’s rest; she was just merely looking to make a friend perhaps. For a moment, the chocolate woman felt a little bad for doing so. But that feeling was chased quickly away by Caelum’s seemingly friendly nature and question. If she was not bothered by Esmee, then perhaps it would be ok to stay a while. She might as well test the rhetorical waters and see. If it did not work out, that was fine. If it did, that was also fine and actually good. It was about time Esmee talked to someone like herself though. She did not always make buddies easily as others could do. Her stoic nature often inhibited that process a great deal. But it was worth a try here she supposed.

In response to the blue tinted female’s question, Esmee tilted her head slightly in thought. “Greetings to you too. I am sorry for disturbing your rest,” Esmee responded. “Actually, I had not really realized the heat until now. Is it hot where you are from these days?” she asked. That fact Esmee was not hot was actually kind of surprising to her, seeing as most winter born wolves probably would have been before then. Most were made for the cold not for the heat. Perhaps keeping her busy kept the hot weather off of her mind. And the swim to get here helped no doubt. “I came here on a whim, played with a bird a little just because, and then ended up here.” Esmee felt like she was talking far too much for such a simple question posed to her. What would the other she wolf think of her playing with birds? She fell silent a moment, shuffling her paws in the sand. Oh well, it was too late to take it back now, and Esmee liked birds anyways.

Finally after a brief moment, Esmee spoke up again, trying to bridge the gap from before as best as she possibly could. The only way to clear the air of awkwardness was with words it seemed. “Do you mind if I join you here? I understand if you want to have your solitude. Where better to have peace and quiet than a beach, right? But seeing as we are both here at the same time maybe…” Esmee asked. This “making friends” thing was harder than expected.