
You And Me Goin' Fishin' In The Dark



5 Years
04-18-2017, 09:42 PM

Dusk had fallen over the Cattail creek. Spring peepers cried out, their shrill mating cries overwhelming even the buzzing of bugs. A gentle breeze rustled the fronds of cattail and other reeds, mostly last years growth but with young sprouts peeking through in some places. Ankaios was studiously washing his paws, having been coated to his elbows in river muck thanks to his day's activities. He'd found tubers of Arrowroot and the young tubers and shoots of the cattail as well. Both were adequate additives when patients needed to eat something nasty. He'd found horsetail and watercress and farther into the forest a patch of wild leeks. It masked foul tastes as well, and it was a decent substitute for garlic when it or echinacea were out of stock.

He hummed to himself, a tribal ballad he'd learned in his use. It was absent minded, somehow pleasant to him despite the now painful memories it existed alongside. It was a low, folkish tune with a rumbling, turning beat. It was more suited to harvest season, but the bounty here was so great that he could not help but mumble along to the words as he went. He had found a rather large leaf of burdock and tucked his gathered goods inside for the moment, holding either side gingerly with his incisors. The scent of leeks was strong beneath his nose, masking almost everything else. It would be dark soon, and the stars were just beginning to show in the rose-violet sky. It was pleasantly cool, with a low mist beginning to creep up from the water and into the forest around him. Spring was such a lovely season, he reflected with a gentle smile on his face.

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