
Crimson Day



6 Years
04-19-2017, 10:26 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2017, 04:15 AM by Shrapnel.)

She'd managed to come across this "little" haven not too long ago - she'd been intent on exploring the southern lands to find a suitable place to den when she'd stumbled across the massive oak trees. Their size was impressive and the fallen ones had already proven to make a wonderful home. She'd taken no time in picking out a hollow one, big enough for herself, Adra, and Aby, and began filling it with pelts she'd collected from recent kills. At the moment there were only a few cleaned rabbit pelts, but she was sure there would be more to come. To make up for it she'd also gathered moss and some leaves and scattered them around to improve it's comfortableness. Soon it would be littered with more soft pelts and the leaves and moss would no longer be required.

The large oaks also provided the shade she needed. In front of the rest of the family she put up with the sun - she wouldn't parade about the weakness of her mortal body, but alone she often stuck to the shadows or came out at night if she felt the urge. There was no point in burning her pretty skin without good reason. It was easier on her eyes as well - there wasn't a bright sun glaring in them all the time which was another thing she liked about the territory. She hadn't decided if it would be a permanent residence, but so far it was proving to be a worthy one.

It was early morning when she exited the den she'd made for herself. The sun had barely risen to the tree line and a misty fog still clung to the air. It wasn't long before droplets hung from her short pelt, but she didn't give them any mind. She had no destination in mind, but she was intent on exploring a bit more before the day's end.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]