
We can light it up!



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-19-2017, 11:42 PM

Naamah's smile was accompanied by a flirtatious curl and flick of her tail as she made her leap. Something about the place making it nearly impossible for her to maintain any sort of composure. Perhaps, it was a neat and easy way to check out of their conversation, this way she didn't have to divulge as much as he wanted. She could sidetrack him, distract him and move the topic easily with one move. Her spectral laughter rang out as he was washed with bright blue-lit water, his near immediate response thrilling her. Both women shared a moment of pride as the darker male pursued Naamah, their paths shown for brief moments by the luminescent waters of the shimmering shore. One garnet eye looks over her shoulder in time to see him catching up, and for a moment, she debated whether she should put on her true speed or allow him to catch her. In the end, Amon surprised her and threw himself into the surf. As the spray hit him, she stopped but it was too late to avoid a splashing. Her head and side became drenched, but she only laughed harder and shook the water from her coat. A few drops clung between her ears, shimmering and brightly turquoise against the dark grey of her pelt. There was a moment of stillness as she watched the shadowy male admire the surf before she gave a gentle yowl and dipped her front half in the receding wave, her tiara of water droplets shimmered and gathered more upon her head as she moved. There was a playful glint to her eyes, and an almost puppy-like youth, even with her usual air of power.

Once she got his attention back from the ocean, she leaps at him and dashes off down the beach, leading him further north until a towering structure of stone could be seen. She wondered if he had been fast enough to keep up with her, but she dared not doubt the male. He would have to learn her family's secrets another time, for now, she would prove herself in other ways. The land before them was owned by a pack, and while she had respect for the borders and definitely would never go near the place, the edges of the castle walls and the towers could be seen from their spot on the beach even if the actual structure was a far way off. Naamah waited to see if the wolf who pursued her would see the castle. Her mother called it Amron's castle, even though no one knew who Amron was. Lilith made a playful suggestion and Naamah giggled out loud without realizing it.  "If you see the pile of stones, this is called Amron's Castle, I am thinking someone mistook the name...We cannot be going any further, I am not enjoying pack-wide attack." With a derisive snort and a flick of her tail, Naamah flattens her ears and moves away, joke forgotten. She hadn't realized they were so close to another's territory, and the mistake led to a sudden shift in mood. Still, Naamah kept the mood swing relatively controlled. There was a smile and a happy hopping lope that saw her going back down the beach. "I can show you other places, but I am thinking it is your turn to choose what we do." A sly wave of her tail and a dancing stop was given as she waited to see what he would say.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.