
Crimson Day


04-20-2017, 12:15 AM

She was sticking close to Anamalech. While she didn't particularly want to it wasn't like she wanted to risk finding Amon, not with his stuck up attitude. He didn't respect her one bit, and what was more he put a bruise on her gorgeous coat. A sigh escaped her as she laid beneath one of the oaks. The shade was something she was beginning to relish here. What Ana had said didn't really bother her, that was just Ana, but it was more of the disapproval of the family. Her head dropped to her paws as she adjusted her hip. She winced but made no noise and glared at the roots behind her. Her ears pressed back. Even though she wanted to be the perfect daughter for Ana she for some reason just found it hard to be. She couldn't just be respectful to everyone, but Ana and Adra were a desperate story for her. They had in her eyes rescued her from the abandonment of her biological mother. The noise of Ana emerging and moving along caught her attention for a brief moment. Her head lifted and watched as she moved.

She lifted herself and started after her mother. Her leg gave her a limp and caused her to wince at first, but she shook her head and made to follow her. She stayed quiet and kept her head down. Her teeth were clenched as she hid every ounce of pain from her mother. She didn't want to embarrass her again, even though they were alone.

Walk, "Talk" Think