



5 Years
04-20-2017, 07:17 PM

He hit his mark, but it didn't throw her balance off like he had anticipated. Her defenses were proper and it did not take her long at all to recover. His legs were already spread from his attack so he bent his legs slightly again and dug his claws into the earth. His left eye watched her as he bunched up his neck skin, his face skin, and flattened his ears preparing himself for her attack. Watching as she twisted her lower half away from him, which he copied. Swinging his rump towards the right slightly, little less then she had done. He had merely moved 35 degrees doing his best to try and have himself prepared while her agility beat him in any move. He was attempting to compensate, making smaller moves and remaining prepared and also trying to think on the fly. He was bigger and he was heavier and he knew he could use his body like a battering ram. Instead of moving to far from her, he needed to keep her close.

His eyes narrowed with his defense spotting what her attack was aiming towards. She was going high and was more then likely looking for some sort of grip on him. Bending his back legs more as she reared he ducked his head low to the ground and swung his neck and head to the left attempting to get himself under her bite so she would miss her mark on his scruff. Instead he felt her jaws lock onto the lower right side of his neck, just above his right shoulder. Swinging his rump to the right allowing her grip to make his skin twist. He swung his butt enough that the two of them were almost face to face (If she wasn't gripping his skin) still keeping his head low to the ground. He then plowed forward quickly, looking to shove her back and off balance and also in hopes she would let go with the twisting and the moving forward.

LAISREN vs. ASVOR for SPAR (Skill points!)
Round: 2/3
Height: 38"
Build: Medium

ooc: Nyx if you need clarification just skype me, I'm hoping everything is making sense!

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]