
All Around Me


06-26-2013, 03:24 PM

More wandering. She didn't know how to much of anything else. Conversations with others were few and far between, though it had only been a few days since she had met the earth, obsidian marked boy named Killian. He was...he was a good-looking guy, one who shared a similar past with her. She had been able to relate to him, even open up about her past, which she had never done with anyone else. After having spent some time with him, she'd decided to continue on her way, to continue exploring the new land she'd come across. Though since having left him, part of her hoped that she would run into him again. There was a kind of kinship between the two, one she couldn't deny but that her rational mind told her to. Kinship led to friendship and friendship would lead to abandonment. She wouldn't be abandoned again. She wouldn't. But she feel something developing for Killian. It was an unnerving realization for the cream, peachy tinted she-wolf.

Nimble paws had brought the youngling to a new place of the land, somewhere she had never been before. It was certainly a different atmosphere compared to the forest where she'd been in with Killian. It was a lake. But the water was frozen. Whether it be because it was winter, or because that's the way it always was, she wasn't sure, but she assumed it was because of winter. It was an extremely large, and long body of water, expanding farther than she could see. It as beautiful beyond belief though. Ginormous pillars of ice rose from all around the lake, some arching together to form a sort of archway. Alessa had never seen anything like that in her entire life. It was breathtaking, something surely incredible. The young dame was careful as she set foot on the frozen lake, talons scraping at the ice in an attempt to grasp a firm hold as she began to walk across it. Mismatched gems flickered across it's surface, noticing how the water had a slight gold/green tint to it. Surely, the water wasn't infected with something?

The young woman halted a few paces out in the lake, crown lowering as she focused on the moving water beneath, trying to figure out why it had a mysterious glow. She could see something green beneath the surface, but what it was she had no clue. It was interesting, for the small green things seemed to glow beneath her paws. How interesting. Lifting her head, the girl continued on, and still the little things beneath the ice glowed. They seemed to brighten with each placement of her paw, as if they were aware of her presence. Hmm. Icy and fiery gems remained trained on the glowing ice, audits flickering to and fro, attentive were someone to approach her.

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