
Let's Have Some Fun, This Beat is Sick



4 Years

04-21-2017, 07:00 AM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2017, 07:02 AM by Peregrine.)

Peregrine wandered somewhat aimlessly. At this point she'd all but given up on trying to exact revenge on her captors. The trail so so old, the odds of picking it up again were as slim leaving it to chance. So she did her best t resume the life she'd led before, just striking out in whatever direction suited her. She was coming up into the Eastern lands when she'd heard the call of a male. Her ears perked. An invitation, it seemed. It pointed her towards pack lands, and she wondered what this had to offer. "You're going to go, aren't you?' Tsiry groaned out from beside her. "Can't you ever come across something weird and just leave it be?" Pere laughed and knelt down so Tsiry could clamber right up onto her shoulders. "If I did that we'd never have any fun at all," she responded as if Tsiry had wounded her. She turned towards the pack and began walking. "Of course not," the Lemur grumbled.

Peregrine cleared a small thicket of brush and then kicked it up to a gentle lope. Tsiry's toes tucked in beneath the strap of her bag, and fingers tucked into the long, thick hair of her mane. It glided over the pack barriers with a grin, wondering vaguely in the back of her mind if this was a trap of some sort. Oh well, she could defend herself if push came to shove. The plain was rugged and very beautiful, and gave her the feeling that the land was very old. Each momentous stone felt like a pair of eyes. When at last she spotted the gathering of wolves, she came up short.

Among them was a rather tall coal-colored male with canine fangs so prominent they protruded well past his lower jaw. A speckled woman and a nebulous woman, and a smattering of more naturally colored wolves as well. Peregrine gave a hard stare at the various oddities as she approached, trying to get all of her staring out of the way now. She approached the fanged male, who seemed to stand at the center of it all. Tsiry peered up over the top of her head. "I heard a strange call, looks like I'm in the right place. Hosting some event, are you?" She gave another look around. The company seemed... well, robust, to say the least. A mixed crowd. She smiled. Mixing a pack and rogues, eh? What on earth was this male up to?

"Talk" "You" Think