



6 Years

04-21-2017, 01:47 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2017, 01:48 PM by Faite.)

Her gaze didn't shift an inch as she waited to see what the newcomer would do. Her muscles were tense as he looked her over before finally shifting just barely back over the border. She relaxed slightly and was content that, for now, things would remain civil. She didn't fancy the idea of getting into a fight with every wolf that crossed the borders, but she wasn't about to let anyone think they could trample all over her lands without any repercussions. She was more than surprised when the male turned and stuck out his tongue before calling her a spoilsport. Her head cocked at this before she let her muzzle crinkle and she stuck out her own tongue. Was it mature for a wolf her age and stature? Nope. Did she care? Not a bit. It made her feel better at least and she felt slightly less tense about the situation. It felt like she was dealing with a very overgrown kid.

Faite had just opened her mouth to question the man when Fortune's appearance distracted her. She turned her head slightly to glance at her cousin before flashing her the briefest of smiles. "For now. I was just about to interrogate our new friend" She informed her before turning her attention back to the "intruder." Of course to make matters worse Jewell had appeared and Faite silently cursed herself for not paying attention. How many more wolves would show up to this little get-together. She glanced down at the little rainbow child as she said another unfamiliar word followed up with one she did recognize easily. Scare.

"Don't be afraid." She whispered quietly. "Think of him as a friendly kitty." Not that she knew the man, but he did remind her of a larger cat.

She watched Jewell with a protective gaze for a while longer before the girl settled in between her paws. She wasn't content with the idea of the girl being here, but she wasn't eager to prolong the meeting any further. She'd let her stay for now at least. her attention moved back towards the stranger again a she gave him her undivided attention.

"You smell of the Maw. Did Karabela send you?" She easily recognized the pack's scent from the mountains, yet something definitely seemed wrong. This man seemed more important than just one of Raba's pack mates. Had she promoted him as her secondary? If so she was probably not going to be happy with anything Faite had to say. She surely didn't appreciate another pack's alpha trespassing. She was more than certain she wouldn't have been greeted so kindly if the roles were reversed and it was Faite trespassing on Ivory Ridge's lands without permission.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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