
Care for a swim?(Eren)


06-26-2013, 04:06 PM

With the recent events, you would think that the new Glaciem wolf wouldn't leave the territory. Not since she had a well visible scab over her left shoulder and various ones over her ears. Yet, a friend from Glaciem had told her that she should go to these hot springs. Not sure if that meant anything. Eren had trouble getting used to the wolves around Glaciem, and with that being said she had been saved already and kept company by Eria not to mention fed. It was pathetic, she hated it when she couldn't do things herself. What use was she being a newcomer to the pack and unable to be of any use at all. She stopped when she saw the other wolf, ears flicking as she rolled her eyes slightly. Great, more company, not that she didn't enjoy company but it made her nervous. Eren was a bit shy when it came to talking to new wolves, scared of rejection. Even more so since her assault, she was cautious of outside strangers. Eren wasn't dumb, and while she hated the effort it took to fight she would defend herself if she had to that was a fact.

Eren crouched down near the hot springs, watching him but he didn't seem to care. Her sea green eyes stared at him, as she cautiously moved closer. Yet, she made no effort to get into the hot springs like she was supposed to be doing. Eren just didn't want to disturb this guy, he seemed to be enjoying himself after all. Though the soreness in her muscles told her otherwise on the fact. She winced slightly at the pain in her flicking tail that had been tugged and stepped on. She felt like she had been a damsel in distress, so perhaps this time she would be able to defend herself. Wait a moment, why was she caring so much? The girl let out a sudden sigh, perhaps the pack was creating some sort of caring factor in the girl. Even though nothing had changed about her sadistic part of herself. It was still there, telling her that she enjoyed playing with dead things, telling her that seeing others hurt slightly made her excited. It sounded bad, and to Eren it was, but she wasn't a bad wolf, hardly. She was distant was all. The girl flopped her tail on the ground, the white male should have sensed her presence by now, so what was he doing?
