
To The Mountaintop



4 Years
Extra large
04-23-2017, 06:19 PM
Wes couldn't say one hundred percent, but he was reasonably certain that his brother thought he was a bit of a man-whore. On the contrary, he was saving himself for the day he found the female he intended to spend the rest of his life with. Sure, he liked to flirt now and again (or all of the time if he was being honest), but he never acted on it. Some ladies were disappointed in that, but thankfully there weren't many of those types around to begin with. They were too easy, no conquest to them, and he lost interest too quickly to take another step. This vixen in front of him certainly didn't seem the type, and he liked it better that way. She intrigued him in the way that she met his comments with easy banter. It didn't hurt that she didn't seem to have lost interest when his equally handsome brother arrived.

Still, his interest in Esmee didn't warrant an invitation for her to stay with them in his eyes. She was a stranger to the family. Colt had know her a full minute maybe before offering her shelter with them. What if she posed a risk? Wes gave his brother a quick sidelong glance, but returned his gaze to Esmee quickly, a smile still pinned to his features. When she bumped him - intentionally he assumed based on her expression - that smile transformed to a smirk. His concerns weren't going anywhere, but he could enjoy this moment as he was in it.

He dipped his head slightly to make her reach easier as she pressed her nose to his brow. "That's an awful kind gesture," he said with a chuckle. "I s'pose if you're gon' be with us for a while, you'll have no trouble helpin' me keep track of my brother here. Now, what would you like us to help you with up on this here cliff?"