
Light Up The Sky [Pack Meeting]



9 Years
Athena I
04-23-2017, 11:06 PM

Kalliope's head lifted to listen to the howl that was calling for her and everyone else in the pack. It surprised her more than it probably should have. It had just been so long since they'd had a meeting that Kalliope wasn't expecting it. She frowned a bit as she realized that her sons were out on their on in the pack lands so she couldn't usher them to the meeting. She just hoped that they would listen and would show up on their own. Or perhaps their father would find them on the way. At least Etain was with her. "Come on, sweetie, it's time for a meeting!" she said cheerfully. She knew this would be the first meeting her kids had been to, or really the first time they would be around a large number of pack members at once. She got a bit nervous, almost feeling like she was presenting her children to everyone for the first time.

She made her way by memory toward the usual meeting spot, keeping an ear out for Etain's uneven footsteps. She felt innately protective of her daughter, not wanting this disability to bring her any special attention or ridicule. Kalli knew well enough that the wolves that lived here were kind and she really had nothing to worry about, but she had spent too much of her life having wolves walk on eggshells around her because of her blindness. She didn't want that for Etain. She arrived at the meeting and used the other's scents to find an empty seat a short distance away before she settled down on her haunches. "Sit down with me and wait for your brothers and father to get here, okay?" she said quietly, dipping her head down to whisper her words only to Etain.

"Talk" "You" Think